blob: fb17a913a3f35381e820b1fabaa8b82cdb1beac2 [file] [log] [blame]
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Title OS functions header
@Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved
@Description OS specific API definitions
@License Dual MIT/GPLv2
The contents of this file are subject to the MIT license as set out below.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
the GNU General Public License Version 2 ("GPL") in which case the provisions
of GPL are applicable instead of those above.
If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of
GPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms
of the MIT license, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above
and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by GPL as set
out in the file called "GPL-COPYING" included in this distribution. If you do
not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
under the terms of either the MIT license or GPL.
This License is also included in this distribution in the file called
*/ /***************************************************************************/
#pragma optimize( "", off )
#define DEBUG 1
#ifndef __OSFUNC_H__
#define __OSFUNC_H__
#if defined(LINUX) && defined(__KERNEL__)
#include "kernel_nospec.h"
#if !defined(NO_HARDWARE)
#include <asm/io.h>
#if defined(__QNXNTO__)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(INTEGRITY_OS)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "img_types.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "pvrsrv_device.h"
* Static defines
#define KERNEL_ID 0xffffffffL
#define ISR_ID 0xfffffffdL
#if defined(LINUX) && defined(__KERNEL__)
#define OSConfineArrayIndexNoSpeculation(index, size) array_index_nospec((index), (size))
#elif defined(__QNXNTO__)
#define OSConfineArrayIndexNoSpeculation(index, size) (index)
#elif defined(INTEGRITY_OS)
#define OSConfineArrayIndexNoSpeculation(index, size) (index)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSConfineArrayIndexNoSpeculation
@Description This macro aims to avoid code exposure to Cache Timing
Side-Channel Mechanisms which rely on speculative code
execution (Variant 1). It does so by ensuring a value to be
used as an array index will be set to zero if outside of the
bounds of the array, meaning any speculative execution of code
which uses this suitably adjusted index value will not then
attempt to load data from memory outside of the array bounds.
Code calling this macro must still first verify that the
original unmodified index value is within the bounds of the
array, and should then only use the modified value returned
by this function when accessing the array itself.
NB. If no OS-specific implementation of this macro is
defined, the original index is returned unmodified and no
protection against the potential exploit is provided.
@Input index The original array index value that would be used to
access the array.
@Input size The number of elements in the array being accessed.
@Return The value to use for the array index, modified so that it
remains within array bounds.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
#define OSConfineArrayIndexNoSpeculation(index, size) (index)
#if !defined(DOXYGEN)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSClockns64
@Description This function returns the number of ticks since system boot
expressed in nanoseconds. Unlike OSClockns, OSClockns64 has
a near 64-bit range.
@Return The 64-bit clock value, in nanoseconds.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT64 OSClockns64(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSClockus64
@Description This function returns the number of ticks since system boot
expressed in microseconds. Unlike OSClockus, OSClockus64 has
a near 64-bit range.
@Return The 64-bit clock value, in microseconds.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT64 OSClockus64(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSClockus
@Description This function returns the number of ticks since system boot
in microseconds.
@Return The 32-bit clock value, in microseconds.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT32 OSClockus(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSClockms
@Description This function returns the number of ticks since system boot
in milliseconds.
@Return The 32-bit clock value, in milliseconds.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT32 OSClockms(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSClockMonotonicns64
@Description This function returns a clock value based on the system
monotonic clock.
@Output pui64Time The 64-bit clock value, in nanoseconds.
@Return Error Code.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSClockMonotonicns64(IMG_UINT64 *pui64Time);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSClockMonotonicus64
@Description This function returns a clock value based on the system
monotonic clock.
@Output pui64Time The 64-bit clock value, in microseconds.
@Return Error Code.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSClockMonotonicus64(IMG_UINT64 *pui64Time);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSClockMonotonicRawns64
@Description This function returns a clock value based on the system
monotonic raw clock.
@Return 64bit ns timestamp
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT64 OSClockMonotonicRawns64(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSClockMonotonicRawns64
@Description This function returns a clock value based on the system
monotonic raw clock.
@Return 64bit us timestamp
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT64 OSClockMonotonicRawus64(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetPageSize
@Description This function returns the page size.
If the OS is not using memory mappings it should return a
default value of 4096.
@Return The size of a page, in bytes.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
size_t OSGetPageSize(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetPageShift
@Description This function returns the page size expressed as a power
of two. A number of pages, left-shifted by this value, gives
the equivalent size in bytes.
If the OS is not using memory mappings it should return a
default value of 12.
@Return The page size expressed as a power of two.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
size_t OSGetPageShift(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetPageMask
@Description This function returns a bitmask that may be applied to an
address to mask off the least-significant bits so as to
leave the start address of the page containing that address.
@Return The page mask.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
size_t OSGetPageMask(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetOrder
@Description This function returns the order of power of two for a given
size. Eg. for a uSize of 4096 bytes the function would
return 12 (4096 = 2^12).
@Input uSize The size in bytes.
@Return The order of power of two.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
size_t OSGetOrder(size_t uSize);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetRAMSize
@Description This function returns the total amount of GPU-addressable
memory provided by the system. In other words, after loading
the driver this would be the largest allocation an
application would reasonably expect to be able to make.
Note that this is function is not expected to return the
current available memory but the amount which would be
available on startup.
@Return Total GPU-addressable memory size, in bytes.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT64 OSGetRAMSize(void);
typedef void (*PFN_MISR)(void *pvData);
typedef void (*PFN_THREAD)(void *pvData);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSChangeSparseMemCPUAddrMap
@Description This function changes the CPU mapping of the underlying
sparse allocation. It is used by a PMR 'factory'
implementation if that factory supports sparse
@Input psPageArray array representing the pages in the
sparse allocation
@Input sCpuVAddrBase the virtual base address of the sparse
allocation ('first' page)
@Input sCpuPAHeapBase the physical address of the virtual
base address 'sCpuVAddrBase'
@Input ui32AllocPageCount the number of pages referenced in
@Input pai32AllocIndices list of indices of pages within
'psPageArray' that we now want to
allocate and map
@Input ui32FreePageCount the number of pages referenced in
@Input pai32FreeIndices list of indices of pages within
'psPageArray' we now want to
unmap and free
@Input bIsLMA flag indicating if the sparse allocation
is from LMA or UMA memory
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSChangeSparseMemCPUAddrMap(void **psPageArray,
IMG_UINT64 sCpuVAddrBase,
IMG_UINT32 ui32AllocPageCount,
IMG_UINT32 *pai32AllocIndices,
IMG_UINT32 ui32FreePageCount,
IMG_UINT32 *pai32FreeIndices,
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSInstallMISR
@Description Installs a Mid-level Interrupt Service Routine (MISR)
which handles higher-level processing of interrupts from
the device (GPU).
An MISR runs outside of interrupt context, and so may be
descheduled. This means it can contain code that would
not be permitted in the LISR.
An MISR is invoked when OSScheduleMISR() is called. This
call should be made by installed LISR once it has completed
its interrupt processing.
Multiple MISRs may be installed by the driver to handle
different causes of interrupt.
@Input pfnMISR pointer to the function to be installed
as the MISR
@Input hData private data provided to the MISR
@Output hMISRData handle to the installed MISR (to be used
for a subsequent uninstall)
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void *hData);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSUninstallMISR
@Description Uninstalls a Mid-level Interrupt Service Routine (MISR).
@Input hMISRData handle to the installed MISR
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSScheduleMISR
@Description Schedules a Mid-level Interrupt Service Routine (MISR) to be
executed. An MISR should be executed outside of interrupt
context, for example in a work queue.
@Input hMISRData handle to the installed MISR
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSThreadCreate
@Description Creates a kernel thread and starts it running. The caller
is responsible for informing the thread that it must finish
and return from the pfnThread function. It is not possible
to kill or terminate it. The new thread runs with the default
priority provided by the Operating System.
Note: Kernel threads are freezable which means that they
can be frozen by the kernel on for example driver suspend.
Because of that only OSEventObjectWaitKernel() function should
be used to put kernel threads in waiting state.
@Output phThread Returned handle to the thread.
@Input pszThreadName Name to assign to the thread.
@Input pfnThread Thread entry point function.
@Input pfnDebugDumpCB Used to dump info of the created thread
@Input bIsSupportingThread Set, if summary of this thread needs to
be dumped in debug_dump
@Input hData Thread specific data pointer for pfnThread().
@Return Standard PVRSRV_ERROR error code.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_CHAR *pszThreadName,
PFN_THREAD pfnThread,
IMG_HANDLE pfnDebugDumpCB,
IMG_BOOL bIsSupportingThread,
void *hData);
/*! Available priority levels for the creation of a new Kernel Thread. */
typedef enum priority_levels
OS_THREAD_NOSET_PRIORITY, /* With this option the priority level is the default for the given OS */
OS_THREAD_LAST_PRIORITY /* This must be always the last entry */
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSThreadCreatePriority
@Description As OSThreadCreate, this function creates a kernel thread and
starts it running. The difference is that with this function
is possible to specify the priority used to schedule the new
@Output phThread Returned handle to the thread.
@Input pszThreadName Name to assign to the thread.
@Input pfnThread Thread entry point function.
@Input pfnDebugDumpCB Used to dump info of the created thread
@Input bIsSupportingThread Set, if summary of this thread needs to
be dumped in debug_dump
@Input hData Thread specific data pointer for pfnThread().
@Input eThreadPriority Priority level to assign to the new thread.
@Return Standard PVRSRV_ERROR error code.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSThreadCreatePriority(IMG_HANDLE *phThread,
IMG_CHAR *pszThreadName,
PFN_THREAD pfnThread,
IMG_HANDLE pfnDebugDumpCB,
IMG_BOOL bIsSupportingThread,
void *hData,
OS_THREAD_LEVEL eThreadPriority);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSThreadDestroy
@Description Waits for the thread to end and then destroys the thread
handle memory. This function will block and wait for the
thread to finish successfully, thereby providing a sync point
for the thread completing its work. No attempt is made to kill
or otherwise terminate the thread.
@Input hThread The thread handle returned by OSThreadCreate().
@Return Standard PVRSRV_ERROR error code.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSSetThreadPriority
@Description Set the priority and weight of a thread
@Input hThread The thread handle.
@Input nThreadPriority The integer value of the thread priority
@Input nThreadWeight The integer value of the thread weight
@Return Standard PVRSRV_ERROR error code.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSSetThreadPriority( IMG_HANDLE hThread,
IMG_UINT32 nThreadPriority,
IMG_UINT32 nThreadWeight);
#if defined(__arm64__) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined (PVRSRV_DEVMEM_TEST_SAFE_MEMSETCPY)
/* Workarounds for assumptions made that memory will not be mapped uncached
* in kernel or user address spaces on arm64 platforms (or other testing).
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function DeviceMemSet
@Description Set memory, whose mapping may be uncached, to a given value.
On some architectures, additional processing may be needed
if the mapping is uncached. In such cases, OSDeviceMemSet()
is defined as a call to this function.
@Input pvDest void pointer to the memory to be set
@Input ui8Value byte containing the value to be set
@Input ui32Size the number of bytes to be set to the given value
@Return None
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void DeviceMemSet(void *pvDest, IMG_UINT8 ui8Value, size_t ui32Size);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function DeviceMemCopy
@Description Copy values from one area of memory, to another, when one
or both mappings may be uncached.
On some architectures, additional processing may be needed
if mappings are uncached. In such cases, OSDeviceMemCopy()
is defined as a call to this function.
@Input pvDst void pointer to the destination memory
@Input pvSrc void pointer to the source memory
@Input ui32Size the number of bytes to be copied
@Return None
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void DeviceMemCopy(void *pvDst, const void *pvSrc, size_t ui32Size);
#define OSDeviceMemSet(a,b,c) DeviceMemSet((a), (b), (c))
#define OSDeviceMemCopy(a,b,c) DeviceMemCopy((a), (b), (c))
#define OSCachedMemSet(a,b,c) memset((a), (b), (c))
#define OSCachedMemCopy(a,b,c) memcpy((a), (b), (c))
#else /* !(defined(__arm64__) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(PVRSRV_DEVMEM_TEST_SAFE_MEMSETCPY)) */
/* Everything else */
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSDeviceMemSet
@Description Set memory, whose mapping may be uncached, to a given value.
On some architectures, additional processing may be needed
if the mapping is uncached.
@Input a void pointer to the memory to be set
@Input b byte containing the value to be set
@Input c the number of bytes to be set to the given value
@Return Pointer to the destination memory.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
#define OSDeviceMemSet(a,b,c) memset((a), (b), (c))
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSDeviceMemCopy
@Description Copy values from one area of memory, to another, when one
or both mappings may be uncached.
On some architectures, additional processing may be needed
if mappings are uncached.
@Input a void pointer to the destination memory
@Input b void pointer to the source memory
@Input c the number of bytes to be copied
@Return Pointer to the destination memory.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
#define OSDeviceMemCopy(a,b,c) memcpy((a), (b), (c))
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCachedMemSet
@Description Set memory, where the mapping is known to be cached, to a
given value. This function exists to allow an optimal memset
to be performed when memory is known to be cached.
@Input a void pointer to the memory to be set
@Input b byte containing the value to be set
@Input c the number of bytes to be set to the given value
@Return Pointer to the destination memory.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
#define OSCachedMemSet(a,b,c) memset((a), (b), (c))
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCachedMemCopy
@Description Copy values from one area of memory, to another, when both
mappings are known to be cached.
This function exists to allow an optimal memcpy to be
performed when memory is known to be cached.
@Input a void pointer to the destination memory
@Input b void pointer to the source memory
@Input c the number of bytes to be copied
@Return Pointer to the destination memory.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
#define OSCachedMemCopy(a,b,c) memcpy((a), (b), (c))
#endif /* !(defined(__arm64__) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(PVRSRV_DEVMEM_TEST_SAFE_MEMSETCPY)) */
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSMapPhysToLin
@Description Maps physical memory into a linear address range.
@Input BasePAddr physical CPU address
@Input ui32Bytes number of bytes to be mapped
@Input ui32Flags flags denoting the caching mode to be employed
for the mapping (uncached/write-combined,
cached coherent or cached incoherent).
See pvrsrv_memallocflags.h for full flag bit
@Return Pointer to the new mapping if successful, NULL otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void *OSMapPhysToLin(IMG_CPU_PHYADDR BasePAddr, size_t ui32Bytes, IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSUnMapPhysToLin
@Description Unmaps physical memory previously mapped by OSMapPhysToLin().
@Input pvLinAddr the linear mapping to be unmapped
@Input ui32Bytes number of bytes to be unmapped
@Input ui32Flags flags denoting the caching mode that was employed
for the original mapping.
@Return IMG_TRUE if unmapping was successful, IMG_FALSE otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_BOOL OSUnMapPhysToLin(void *pvLinAddr, size_t ui32Bytes, IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCPUOperation
@Description Perform the specified cache operation on the CPU.
@Input eCacheOp the type of cache operation to be performed
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCPUCacheFlushRangeKM
@Description Clean and invalidate the CPU cache for the specified
address range.
@Input psDevNode device on which the allocation was made
@Input pvVirtStart virtual start address of the range to be
@Input pvVirtEnd virtual end address of the range to be
@Input sCPUPhysStart physical start address of the range to be
@Input sCPUPhysEnd physical end address of the range to be
@Return None
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSCPUCacheFlushRangeKM(PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDevNode,
void *pvVirtStart,
void *pvVirtEnd,
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCPUCacheCleanRangeKM
@Description Clean the CPU cache for the specified address range.
This writes out the contents of the cache and clears the
'dirty' bit (which indicates the physical memory is
consistent with the cache contents).
@Input psDevNode device on which the allocation was made
@Input pvVirtStart virtual start address of the range to be
@Input pvVirtEnd virtual end address of the range to be
@Input sCPUPhysStart physical start address of the range to be
@Input sCPUPhysEnd physical end address of the range to be
@Return None
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSCPUCacheCleanRangeKM(PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDevNode,
void *pvVirtStart,
void *pvVirtEnd,
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCPUCacheInvalidateRangeKM
@Description Invalidate the CPU cache for the specified address range.
The cache must reload data from those addresses if they
are accessed.
@Input psDevNode device on which the allocation was made
@Input pvVirtStart virtual start address of the range to be
@Input pvVirtEnd virtual end address of the range to be
@Input sCPUPhysStart physical start address of the range to be
@Input sCPUPhysEnd physical end address of the range to be
@Return None
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSCPUCacheInvalidateRangeKM(PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDevNode,
void *pvVirtStart,
void *pvVirtEnd,
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCPUCacheOpAddressType
@Description Returns the address type (i.e. virtual/physical/both) that OS
uses to perform cache maintenance on the CPU. This is used
to infer whether the virtual or physical address supplied to
the OSCPUCacheXXXRangeKM functions can be omitted when called.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
* Cache attribute size type
PVR_DCACHE_LINE_SIZE = 0, /*!< The cache line size */
PVR_DCACHE_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT /*!< The number of attributes (must be last) */
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCPUCacheAttributeSize
@Description Returns the size of a given cache attribute.
Typically this function is used to return the cache line
size, but may be extended to return the size of other
cache attributes.
@Input eCacheAttribute the cache attribute whose size should
be returned.
@Return The size of the specified cache attribute, in bytes.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT32 OSCPUCacheAttributeSize(IMG_DCACHE_ATTRIBUTE eCacheAttribute);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetCurrentProcessID
@Description Returns ID of current process (thread group)
@Return ID of current process
IMG_PID OSGetCurrentProcessID(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetCurrentProcessName
@Description Gets the name of current process
@Return Process name
IMG_CHAR *OSGetCurrentProcessName(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetCurrentProcessVASpaceSize
@Description Returns the CPU virtual address space size of current process
@Return Process VA space size
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT64 OSGetCurrentProcessVASpaceSize(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetCurrentThreadID
@Description Returns ID for current thread
@Return ID of current thread
uintptr_t OSGetCurrentThreadID(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetCurrentClientProcessIDKM
@Description Returns ID of current client process (thread group) which
has made a bridge call into the server.
For some operating systems, this may simply be the current
process id. For others, it may be that a dedicated thread
is used to handle the processing of bridge calls and that
some additional processing is required to obtain the ID of
the client process making the bridge call.
@Return ID of current client process
IMG_PID OSGetCurrentClientProcessIDKM(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetCurrentClientProcessNameKM
@Description Gets the name of current client process
@Return Client process name
IMG_CHAR *OSGetCurrentClientProcessNameKM(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetCurrentClientThreadIDKM
@Description Returns ID for current client thread
For some operating systems, this may simply be the current
thread id. For others, it may be that a dedicated thread
is used to handle the processing of bridge calls and that
some additional processing is require to obtain the ID of
the client thread making the bridge call.
@Return ID of current client thread
uintptr_t OSGetCurrentClientThreadIDKM(void);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSMemCmp
@Description Compares two blocks of memory for equality.
@Input pvBufA Pointer to the first block of memory
@Input pvBufB Pointer to the second block of memory
@Input uiLen The number of bytes to be compared
@Return Value < 0 if pvBufA is less than pvBufB.
Value > 0 if pvBufB is less than pvBufA.
Value = 0 if pvBufA is equal to pvBufB.
IMG_INT OSMemCmp(void *pvBufA, void *pvBufB, size_t uiLen);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSPhyContigPagesAlloc
@Description Allocates a number of contiguous physical pages.
If allocations made by this function are CPU cached then
OSPhyContigPagesClean has to be implemented to write the
cached data to memory.
@Input psDevNode the device for which the allocation is
@Input uiSize the size of the required allocation (in bytes)
@Output psMemHandle a returned handle to be used to refer to this
@Output psDevPAddr the physical address of the allocation
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
PVRSRV_ERROR OSPhyContigPagesAlloc(PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDevNode, size_t uiSize,
PG_HANDLE *psMemHandle, IMG_DEV_PHYADDR *psDevPAddr);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSPhyContigPagesFree
@Description Frees a previous allocation of contiguous physical pages
@Input psDevNode the device on which the allocation was made
@Input psMemHandle the handle of the allocation to be freed
@Return None.
void OSPhyContigPagesFree(PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDevNode, PG_HANDLE *psMemHandle);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSPhyContigPagesMap
@Description Maps the specified allocation of contiguous physical pages
to a kernel virtual address
@Input psDevNode the device on which the allocation was made
@Input psMemHandle the handle of the allocation to be mapped
@Input uiSize the size of the allocation (in bytes)
@Input psDevPAddr the physical address of the allocation
@Output pvPtr the virtual kernel address to which the
allocation is now mapped
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
size_t uiSize, IMG_DEV_PHYADDR *psDevPAddr,
void **pvPtr);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSPhyContigPagesUnmap
@Description Unmaps the kernel mapping for the specified allocation of
contiguous physical pages
@Input psDevNode the device on which the allocation was made
@Input psMemHandle the handle of the allocation to be unmapped
@Input pvPtr the virtual kernel address to which the
allocation is currently mapped
@Return None.
void OSPhyContigPagesUnmap(PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDevNode, PG_HANDLE *psMemHandle, void *pvPtr);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSPhyContigPagesClean
@Description Write the content of the specified allocation from CPU cache to
memory from (start + uiOffset) to (start + uiOffset + uiLength)
It is expected to be implemented as a cache clean operation but
it is allowed to fall back to a cache clean + invalidate
(i.e. flush).
If allocations returned by OSPhyContigPagesAlloc are always
uncached this can be implemented as nop.
@Input psDevNode device on which the allocation was made
@Input psMemHandle the handle of the allocation to be flushed
@Input uiOffset the offset in bytes from the start of the
allocation from where to start flushing
@Input uiLength the amount to flush from the offset in bytes
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
PG_HANDLE *psMemHandle,
IMG_UINT32 uiOffset,
IMG_UINT32 uiLength);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSInitEnvData
@Description Called to initialise any environment-specific data. This
could include initialising the bridge calling infrastructure
or device memory management infrastructure.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSInitEnvData(void);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSDeInitEnvData
@Description The counterpart to OSInitEnvData(). Called to free any
resources which may have been allocated by OSInitEnvData().
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSDeInitEnvData(void);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSSScanf
@Description OS function to support the standard C sscanf() function.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT32 OSVSScanf(IMG_CHAR *pStr, const IMG_CHAR *pszFormat, ...);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSStringNCopy
@Description OS function to support the standard C strncpy() function.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_CHAR* OSStringNCopy(IMG_CHAR *pszDest, const IMG_CHAR *pszSrc, size_t uSize);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSStringLCopy
@Description OS function to support the BSD C strlcpy() function.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
size_t OSStringLCopy(IMG_CHAR *pszDest, const IMG_CHAR *pszSrc, size_t uSize);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSSNPrintf
@Description OS function to support the standard C snprintf() function.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_INT32 OSSNPrintf(IMG_CHAR *pStr, size_t ui32Size, const IMG_CHAR *pszFormat, ...) __printf(3, 4);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSStringLength
@Description OS function to support the standard C strlen() function.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
size_t OSStringLength(const IMG_CHAR *pStr);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSStringNLength
@Description Return the length of a string, excluding the terminating null
byte ('\0'), but return at most 'uiCount' bytes. Only the first
'uiCount' bytes of 'pStr' are interrogated.
@Input pStr pointer to the string
@Input uiCount the maximum length to return
@Return Length of the string if less than 'uiCount' bytes, otherwise
*/ /**************************************************************************/
size_t OSStringNLength(const IMG_CHAR *pStr, size_t uiCount);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSStringCompare
@Description OS function to support the standard C strcmp() function.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_INT32 OSStringCompare(const IMG_CHAR *pStr1, const IMG_CHAR *pStr2);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSStringNCompare
@Description OS function to support the standard C strncmp() function.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_INT32 OSStringNCompare(const IMG_CHAR *pStr1, const IMG_CHAR *pStr2,
size_t uiSize);
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSStringToUINT32
@Description Changes string to IMG_UINT32.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSStringToUINT32(const IMG_CHAR *pStr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Base,
IMG_UINT32 *ui32Result);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSEventObjectCreate
@Description Create an event object.
@Input pszName name to assign to the new event object.
@Output EventObject the created event object.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSEventObjectCreate(const IMG_CHAR *pszName,
IMG_HANDLE *EventObject);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSEventObjectDestroy
@Description Destroy an event object.
@Input hEventObject the event object to destroy.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSEventObjectDestroy(IMG_HANDLE hEventObject);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSEventObjectSignal
@Description Signal an event object. Any thread waiting on that event
object will be woken.
@Input hEventObject the event object to signal.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSEventObjectSignal(IMG_HANDLE hEventObject);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSEventObjectWait
@Description Wait for an event object to signal. The function is passed
an OS event object handle (which allows the OS to have the
calling thread wait on the associated event object).
The calling thread will be rescheduled when the associated
event object signals.
If the event object has not signalled after a default timeout
period (defined in EVENT_OBJECT_TIMEOUT_MS), the function
will return with the result code PVRSRV_ERROR_TIMEOUT.
Note: If use of the global bridge lock is supported (if the
DDK has been built with PVRSRV_USE_BRIDGE_LOCK defined), the
global bridge lock should be released while waiting for the
event object to signal (if held by the current thread).
The following logic should be implemented in the OS
bReleasePVRLock = (!bHoldBridgeLock &&
BridgeLockIsLocked() &&
current == BridgeLockGetOwner());
if (bReleasePVRLock == IMG_TRUE) OSReleaseBridgeLock();
/ * sleep & reschedule - wait for signal * /
/ * if lock was previously held, re-acquire it * /
if (bReleasePVRLock == IMG_TRUE) OSAcquireBridgeLock();
@Input hOSEventKM the OS event object handle associated with
the event object.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSEventObjectWaitKernel
@Description Wait for an event object to signal. The function is passed
an OS event object handle (which allows the OS to have the
calling thread wait on the associated event object).
The calling thread will be rescheduled when the associated
event object signals.
If the event object has not signalled after a default timeout
period (defined in EVENT_OBJECT_TIMEOUT_MS), the function
will return with the result code PVRSRV_ERROR_TIMEOUT.
Note: This function should be used only by kernel thread.
This is because all kernel threads are freezable and
this function allows the kernel to freeze the threads
when waiting.
See OSEventObjectWait() for more details.
@Input hOSEventKM the OS event object handle associated with
the event object.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
#if defined(LINUX) && defined(__KERNEL__)
PVRSRV_ERROR OSEventObjectWaitKernel(IMG_HANDLE hOSEventKM, IMG_UINT64 uiTimeoutus);
#define OSEventObjectWaitKernel OSEventObjectWaitTimeout
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSEventObjectWaitTimeout
@Description Wait for an event object to signal or timeout. The function
is passed an OS event object handle (which allows the OS to
have the calling thread wait on the associated event object).
The calling thread will be rescheduled when the associated
event object signals.
If the event object has not signalled after the specified
timeout period (passed in 'uiTimeoutus'), the function
will return with the result code PVRSRV_ERROR_TIMEOUT.
NB. If use of the global bridge lock is supported (if
PVRSRV_USE_BRIDGE_LOCK is defined) it should be released while
waiting for the event object to signal (if held by the current
See OSEventObjectWait() for details.
@Input hOSEventKM the OS event object handle associated with
the event object.
@Input uiTimeoutus the timeout period (in usecs)
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSEventObjectWaitTimeout(IMG_HANDLE hOSEventKM, IMG_UINT64 uiTimeoutus);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSEventObjectWaitAndHoldBridgeLock
@Description Wait for an event object to signal. The function is passed
an OS event object handle (which allows the OS to have the
calling thread wait on the associated event object).
The calling thread will be rescheduled when the associated
event object signals.
If the event object has not signalled after a default timeout
period (defined in EVENT_OBJECT_TIMEOUT_MS), the function
will return with the result code PVRSRV_ERROR_TIMEOUT.
If use of the global bridge lock is supported (if
PVRSRV_USE_BRIDGE_LOCK is defined), it will be held while
waiting for the event object to signal (this will prevent
other bridge calls from being serviced during this time).
See OSEventObjectWait() for details.
@Input hOSEventKM the OS event object handle associated with
the event object.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSEventObjectWaitAndHoldBridgeLock(IMG_HANDLE hOSEventKM);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSEventObjectWaitTimeoutAndHoldBridgeLock
@Description Wait for an event object to signal or timeout. The function
is passed an OS event object handle (which allows the OS to
have the calling thread wait on the associated event object).
The calling thread will be rescheduled when the associated
event object signals.
If the event object has not signalled after the specified
timeout period (passed in 'uiTimeoutus'), the function
will return with the result code PVRSRV_ERROR_TIMEOUT.
If use of the global bridge lock is supported (if
PVRSRV_USE_BRIDGE_LOCK is defined) it will be held while
waiting for the event object to signal (this will prevent
other bridge calls from being serviced during this time).
See OSEventObjectWait() for details.
@Input hOSEventKM the OS event object handle associated with
the event object.
@Input uiTimeoutus the timeout period (in usecs)
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSEventObjectWaitTimeoutAndHoldBridgeLock(IMG_HANDLE hOSEventKM, IMG_UINT64 uiTimeoutus);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSEventObjectOpen
@Description Open an OS handle on the specified event object.
This OS handle may then be used to make a thread wait for
that event object to signal.
@Input hEventObject Event object handle.
@Output phOSEvent OS handle to the returned event object.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSEventObjectOpen(IMG_HANDLE hEventObject,
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSEventObjectClose
@Description Close an OS handle previously opened for an event object.
@Input hOSEventKM OS event object handle to close.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
/**************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSStringCopy
@Description OS function to support the standard C strcpy() function.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
/* Avoid macros so we don't evaluate pszSrc twice */
static INLINE IMG_CHAR *OSStringCopy(IMG_CHAR *pszDest, const IMG_CHAR *pszSrc)
return OSStringNCopy(pszDest, pszSrc, OSStringLength(pszSrc) + 1);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWaitus
@Description Implements a busy wait of the specified number of microseconds.
This function does NOT release thread quanta.
@Input ui32Timeus The duration of the wait period (in us)
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSWaitus(IMG_UINT32 ui32Timeus);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSSleepms
@Description Implements a sleep of the specified number of milliseconds.
This function may allow pre-emption, meaning the thread
may potentially not be rescheduled for a longer period.
@Input ui32Timems The duration of the sleep (in ms)
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSSleepms(IMG_UINT32 ui32Timems);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSReleaseThreadQuanta
@Description Relinquishes the current thread's execution time-slice,
permitting the OS scheduler to schedule another thread.
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSReleaseThreadQuanta(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
*/ /**************************************************************************/
/* The access method is dependent on the location of the physical memory that
* makes up the PhyHeaps defined for the system and the CPU architecture. These
* macros may change in future to accommodate different access requirements.
#define OSReadDeviceMem32(addr) (*((volatile IMG_UINT32 __force *)(addr)))
#define OSWriteDeviceMem32(addr, val) (*((volatile IMG_UINT32 __force *)(addr)) = (IMG_UINT32)(val))
#if defined(LINUX) && defined(__KERNEL__) && !defined(NO_HARDWARE)
#define OSReadHWReg8(addr, off) (IMG_UINT8)readb((IMG_BYTE __iomem *)(addr) + (off))
#define OSReadHWReg16(addr, off) (IMG_UINT16)readw((IMG_BYTE __iomem *)(addr) + (off))
#define OSReadHWReg32(addr, off) (IMG_UINT32)readl((IMG_BYTE __iomem *)(addr) + (off))
/* Little endian support only */
#define OSReadHWReg64(addr, off) \
({ \
__typeof__(addr) _addr = addr; \
__typeof__(off) _off = off; \
(IMG_UINT64) \
( \
( (IMG_UINT64)(readl((IMG_BYTE __iomem *)(_addr) + (_off) + 4)) << 32) \
| readl((IMG_BYTE __iomem *)(_addr) + (_off)) \
); \
#define OSWriteHWReg8(addr, off, val) writeb((IMG_UINT8)(val), (IMG_BYTE __iomem *)(addr) + (off))
#define OSWriteHWReg16(addr, off, val) writew((IMG_UINT16)(val), (IMG_BYTE __iomem *)(addr) + (off))
#define OSWriteHWReg32(addr, off, val) writel((IMG_UINT32)(val), (IMG_BYTE __iomem *)(addr) + (off))
/* Little endian support only */
#define OSWriteHWReg64(addr, off, val) do \
{ \
__typeof__(addr) _addr = addr; \
__typeof__(off) _off = off; \
__typeof__(val) _val = val; \
writel((IMG_UINT32)((_val) & 0xffffffff), (IMG_BYTE __iomem *)(_addr) + (_off)); \
writel((IMG_UINT32)(((IMG_UINT64)(_val) >> 32) & 0xffffffff), (IMG_BYTE __iomem *)(_addr) + (_off) + 4); \
} while (0)
#elif defined(NO_HARDWARE)
/* FIXME: OSReadHWReg should not exist in no hardware builds */
#define OSReadHWReg8(addr, off) (0x4eU)
#define OSReadHWReg16(addr, off) (0x3a4eU)
#define OSReadHWReg32(addr, off) (0x30f73a4eU)
#define OSReadHWReg64(addr, off) ((IMG_UINT64)0x5b376c9d30f73a4eU)
#define OSWriteHWReg8(addr, off, val)
#define OSWriteHWReg16(addr, off, val)
#define OSWriteHWReg32(addr, off, val)
#define OSWriteHWReg64(addr, off, val)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSReadHWReg8
@Description Read from an 8-bit memory-mapped device register.
The implementation should not permit the compiler to
reorder the I/O sequence.
The implementation should ensure that for a NO_HARDWARE
build the code does not attempt to read from a location
but instead returns a constant value.
@Input pvLinRegBaseAddr The virtual base address of the register
@Input ui32Offset The byte offset from the base address of
the register to be read.
@Return The byte read.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT8 OSReadHWReg8(volatile void *pvLinRegBaseAddr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Offset);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSReadHWReg16
@Description Read from a 16-bit memory-mapped device register.
The implementation should not permit the compiler to
reorder the I/O sequence.
The implementation should ensure that for a NO_HARDWARE
build the code does not attempt to read from a location
but instead returns a constant value.
@Input pvLinRegBaseAddr The virtual base address of the register
@Input ui32Offset The byte offset from the base address of
the register to be read.
@Return The word read.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT16 OSReadHWReg16(volatile void *pvLinRegBaseAddr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Offset);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSReadHWReg32
@Description Read from a 32-bit memory-mapped device register.
The implementation should not permit the compiler to
reorder the I/O sequence.
The implementation should ensure that for a NO_HARDWARE
build the code does not attempt to read from a location
but instead returns a constant value.
@Input pvLinRegBaseAddr The virtual base address of the register
@Input ui32Offset The byte offset from the base address of
the register to be read.
@Return The long word read.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT32 OSReadHWReg32(volatile void *pvLinRegBaseAddr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Offset);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSReadHWReg64
@Description Read from a 64-bit memory-mapped device register.
The implementation should not permit the compiler to
reorder the I/O sequence.
The implementation should ensure that for a NO_HARDWARE
build the code does not attempt to read from a location
but instead returns a constant value.
@Input pvLinRegBaseAddr The virtual base address of the register
@Input ui32Offset The byte offset from the base address of
the register to be read.
@Return The long long word read.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT64 OSReadHWReg64(volatile void *pvLinRegBaseAddr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Offset);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWriteHWReg8
@Description Write to an 8-bit memory-mapped device register.
The implementation should not permit the compiler to
reorder the I/O sequence.
The implementation should ensure that for a NO_HARDWARE
build the code does not attempt to write to a location.
@Input pvLinRegBaseAddr The virtual base address of the register
@Input ui32Offset The byte offset from the base address of
the register to be written to.
@Input ui8Value The byte to be written to the register.
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSWriteHWReg8(volatile void *pvLinRegBaseAddr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Offset, IMG_UINT8 ui8Value);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWriteHWReg16
@Description Write to a 16-bit memory-mapped device register.
The implementation should not permit the compiler to
reorder the I/O sequence.
The implementation should ensure that for a NO_HARDWARE
build the code does not attempt to write to a location.
@Input pvLinRegBaseAddr The virtual base address of the register
@Input ui32Offset The byte offset from the base address of
the register to be written to.
@Input ui16Value The word to be written to the register.
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSWriteHWReg16(volatile void *pvLinRegBaseAddr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Offset, IMG_UINT16 ui16Value);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWriteHWReg32
@Description Write to a 32-bit memory-mapped device register.
The implementation should not permit the compiler to
reorder the I/O sequence.
The implementation should ensure that for a NO_HARDWARE
build the code does not attempt to write to a location.
@Input pvLinRegBaseAddr The virtual base address of the register
@Input ui32Offset The byte offset from the base address of
the register to be written to.
@Input ui32Value The long word to be written to the register.
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSWriteHWReg32(volatile void *pvLinRegBaseAddr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Offset, IMG_UINT32 ui32Value);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWriteHWReg64
@Description Write to a 64-bit memory-mapped device register.
The implementation should not permit the compiler to
reorder the I/O sequence.
The implementation should ensure that for a NO_HARDWARE
build the code does not attempt to write to a location.
@Input pvLinRegBaseAddr The virtual base address of the register
@Input ui32Offset The byte offset from the base address of
the register to be written to.
@Input ui64Value The long long word to be written to the
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSWriteHWReg64(volatile void *pvLinRegBaseAddr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Offset, IMG_UINT64 ui64Value);
typedef void (*PFN_TIMER_FUNC)(void*);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSAddTimer
@Description OS specific function to install a timer callback. The
timer will then need to be enabled, as it is disabled by
When enabled, the callback will be invoked once the specified
timeout has elapsed.
@Input pfnTimerFunc Timer callback
@Input *pvData Callback data
@Input ui32MsTimeout Callback period
@Return Valid handle on success, NULL if a failure
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_HANDLE OSAddTimer(PFN_TIMER_FUNC pfnTimerFunc, void *pvData, IMG_UINT32 ui32MsTimeout);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSRemoveTimer
@Description Removes the specified timer. The handle becomes invalid and
should no longer be used.
@Input hTimer handle of the timer to be removed
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSEnableTimer
@Description Enable the specified timer. after enabling, the timer will
invoke the associated callback at an interval determined by
the configured timeout period until disabled.
@Input hTimer handle of the timer to be enabled
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSDisableTimer
@Description Disable the specified timer
@Input hTimer handle of the timer to be disabled
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSPanic
@Description Take action in response to an unrecoverable driver error
@Return None
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSPanic(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCopyToUser
@Description Copy data to user-addressable memory from kernel-addressable
Note that pvDest may be an invalid address or NULL and the
function should return an error in this case.
For operating systems that do not have a user/kernel space
distinction, this function should be implemented as a stub
which simply returns PVRSRV_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED.
@Input pvProcess handle of the connection
@Input pvDest pointer to the destination User memory
@Input pvSrc pointer to the source Kernel memory
@Input ui32Bytes size of the data to be copied
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSCopyToUser(void *pvProcess, void __user *pvDest, const void *pvSrc, size_t ui32Bytes);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCopyFromUser
@Description Copy data from user-addressable memory to kernel-addressable
Note that pvSrc may be an invalid address or NULL and the
function should return an error in this case.
For operating systems that do not have a user/kernel space
distinction, this function should be implemented as a stub
which simply returns PVRSRV_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED.
@Input pvProcess handle of the connection
@Input pvDest pointer to the destination Kernel memory
@Input pvSrc pointer to the source User memory
@Input ui32Bytes size of the data to be copied
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSCopyFromUser(void *pvProcess, void *pvDest, const void __user *pvSrc, size_t ui32Bytes);
#if defined (__linux__) || defined (WINDOWS_WDF) || defined(INTEGRITY_OS)
#define OSBridgeCopyFromUser OSCopyFromUser
#define OSBridgeCopyToUser OSCopyToUser
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSBridgeCopyFromUser
@Description Copy data from user-addressable memory into kernel-addressable
memory as part of a bridge call operation.
For operating systems that do not have a user/kernel space
distinction, this function will require whatever implementation
is needed to pass data for making the bridge function call.
For operating systems which do have a user/kernel space
distinction (such as Linux) this function may be defined so
as to equate to a call to OSCopyFromUser().
@Input pvProcess handle of the connection
@Input pvDest pointer to the destination Kernel memory
@Input pvSrc pointer to the source User memory
@Input ui32Bytes size of the data to be copied
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSBridgeCopyFromUser (void *pvProcess,
void *pvDest,
const void *pvSrc,
size_t ui32Bytes);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSBridgeCopyToUser
@Description Copy data to user-addressable memory from kernel-addressable
memory as part of a bridge call operation.
For operating systems that do not have a user/kernel space
distinction, this function will require whatever implementation
is needed to pass data for making the bridge function call.
For operating systems which do have a user/kernel space
distinction (such as Linux) this function may be defined so
as to equate to a call to OSCopyToUser().
@Input pvProcess handle of the connection
@Input pvDest pointer to the destination User memory
@Input pvSrc pointer to the source Kernel memory
@Input ui32Bytes size of the data to be copied
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSBridgeCopyToUser (void *pvProcess,
void *pvDest,
const void *pvSrc,
size_t ui32Bytes);
/* To be increased if required in future */
#define PVRSRV_MAX_BRIDGE_IN_SIZE 0x2000 /*!< Size of the memory block used to hold data passed in to a bridge call */
#define PVRSRV_MAX_BRIDGE_OUT_SIZE 0x1000 /*!< Size of the memory block used to hold data returned from a bridge call */
#if defined(PVRSRV_USE_BRIDGE_LOCK) || defined(DOXYGEN)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSGetGlobalBridgeBuffers
@Description Returns the addresses and sizes of the buffers used to pass
data into and out of bridge function calls.
@Output ppvBridgeInBuffer pointer to the input bridge data buffer
@Output ppvBridgeOutBuffer pointer to the output bridge data buffer
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSGetGlobalBridgeBuffers (void **ppvBridgeInBuffer,
void **ppvBridgeOutBuffer);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSPlatformBridgeInit
@Description Called during device creation to allow the OS port to register
other bridge modules and related resources that it requires.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSPlatformBridgeInit(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSPlatformBridgeDeInit
@Description Called during device destruction to allow the OS port to
deregister its OS specific bridges and clean up other
related resources.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
PVRSRV_ERROR OSPlatformBridgeDeInit(void);
#if defined(LINUX) && defined(__KERNEL__)
#define OSWriteMemoryBarrier() wmb()
#define OSReadMemoryBarrier() rmb()
#define OSMemoryBarrier() mb()
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWriteMemoryBarrier
@Description Insert a write memory barrier.
The write memory barrier guarantees that all store operations
(writes) specified before the barrier will appear to happen
before all of the store operations specified after the barrier.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSWriteMemoryBarrier(void);
#define OSReadMemoryBarrier() OSMemoryBarrier()
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSMemoryBarrier
@Description Insert a read/write memory barrier.
The read and write memory barrier guarantees that all load
(read) and all store (write) operations specified before the
barrier will appear to happen before all of the load/store
operations specified after the barrier.
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSMemoryBarrier(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function PVRSRVToNativeError
@Description Returns the OS-specific equivalent error number/code for
the specified PVRSRV_ERROR value.
If there is no equivalent, or the PVRSRV_ERROR value is
PVRSRV_OK (no error), 0 is returned.
@Return The OS equivalent error code.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
int PVRSRVToNativeError(PVRSRV_ERROR e);
#define OSPVRSRVToNativeError(e) ( (PVRSRV_OK == e)? 0: PVRSRVToNativeError(e) )
#if defined(LINUX) && defined(__KERNEL__)
/* Provide LockDep friendly definitions for Services RW locks */
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include "allocmem.h"
#define OSWRLockCreate(ppsLock) ({ \
*(ppsLock) = OSAllocMem(sizeof(struct rw_semaphore)); \
if (*(ppsLock)) { init_rwsem(*(ppsLock)); e = PVRSRV_OK; }; \
#define OSWRLockDestroy(psLock) ({OSFreeMem(psLock); PVRSRV_OK;})
#define OSWRLockAcquireRead(psLock) ({down_read(psLock); PVRSRV_OK;})
#define OSWRLockReleaseRead(psLock) ({up_read(psLock); PVRSRV_OK;})
#define OSWRLockAcquireWrite(psLock) ({down_write(psLock); PVRSRV_OK;})
#define OSWRLockReleaseWrite(psLock) ({up_write(psLock); PVRSRV_OK;})
typedef spinlock_t *POS_SPINLOCK;
#define OSSpinLockCreate(_ppsLock) ({ \
*(_ppsLock) = OSAllocMem(sizeof(spinlock_t)); \
if (*(_ppsLock)) {spin_lock_init(*(_ppsLock)); e = PVRSRV_OK;} \
#define OSSpinLockDestroy(_psLock) ({OSFreeMem(_psLock);})
#define OSSpinLockAcquire(_pLock, _pFlags) {unsigned long *p = (unsigned long *)_pFlags; spin_lock_irqsave(_pLock, *p);}
#define OSSpinLockRelease(_pLock, _flags) {spin_unlock_irqrestore(_pLock, _flags);}
#elif defined(LINUX) || defined(__QNXNTO__) || defined (INTEGRITY_OS)
/* User-mode unit tests use these definitions on Linux */
void OSWRLockDestroy(POSWR_LOCK psLock);
void OSWRLockAcquireRead(POSWR_LOCK psLock);
void OSWRLockReleaseRead(POSWR_LOCK psLock);
void OSWRLockAcquireWrite(POSWR_LOCK psLock);
void OSWRLockReleaseWrite(POSWR_LOCK psLock);
/* For now, spin-locks are required on Linux only, so other platforms fake
* spinlocks with normal mutex locks */
#define OSSpinLockCreate(ppLock) OSLockCreate(ppLock)
#define OSSpinLockDestroy(pLock) OSLockDestroy(pLock)
#define OSSpinLockAcquire(pLock, pFlags) {PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pFlags); OSLockAcquire(pLock);}
#define OSSpinLockRelease(pLock, flags) {PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(flags); OSLockRelease(pLock);}
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWRLockCreate
@Description Create a writer/reader lock.
This type of lock allows multiple concurrent readers but
only a single writer, allowing for optimized performance.
@Output ppsLock A handle to the created WR lock.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
return PVRSRV_OK;
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWRLockDestroy
@Description Destroys a writer/reader lock.
@Input psLock The handle of the WR lock to be destroyed.
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
static INLINE void OSWRLockDestroy(POSWR_LOCK psLock)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWRLockAcquireRead
@Description Acquire a writer/reader read lock.
If the write lock is already acquired, the caller will
block until it is released.
@Input psLock The handle of the WR lock to be acquired for
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
static INLINE void OSWRLockAcquireRead(POSWR_LOCK psLock)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWRLockReleaseRead
@Description Release a writer/reader read lock.
@Input psLock The handle of the WR lock whose read lock is to
be released.
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
static INLINE void OSWRLockReleaseRead(POSWR_LOCK psLock)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWRLockAcquireWrite
@Description Acquire a writer/reader write lock.
If the write lock or any read lock are already acquired,
the caller will block until all are released.
@Input psLock The handle of the WR lock to be acquired for
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
static INLINE void OSWRLockAcquireWrite(POSWR_LOCK psLock)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWRLockReleaseWrite
@Description Release a writer/reader write lock.
@Input psLock The handle of the WR lock whose write lock is to
be released.
@Return None
*/ /**************************************************************************/
static INLINE void OSWRLockReleaseWrite(POSWR_LOCK psLock)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSDivide64r64
@Description Divide a 64-bit value by a 32-bit value. Return the 64-bit
The remainder is also returned in 'pui32Remainder'.
@Input ui64Divident The number to be divided.
@Input ui32Divisor The 32-bit value 'ui64Divident' is to
be divided by.
@Output pui32Remainder The remainder of the division.
@Return The 64-bit quotient (result of the division).
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT64 OSDivide64r64(IMG_UINT64 ui64Divident, IMG_UINT32 ui32Divisor, IMG_UINT32 *pui32Remainder);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSDivide64
@Description Divide a 64-bit value by a 32-bit value. Return a 32-bit
The remainder is also returned in 'pui32Remainder'.
This function allows for a more optional implementation
of a 64-bit division when the result is known to be
representable in 32-bits.
@Input ui64Divident The number to be divided.
@Input ui32Divisor The 32-bit value 'ui64Divident' is to
be divided by.
@Output pui32Remainder The remainder of the division.
@Return The 32-bit quotient (result of the division).
*/ /**************************************************************************/
IMG_UINT32 OSDivide64(IMG_UINT64 ui64Divident, IMG_UINT32 ui32Divisor, IMG_UINT32 *pui32Remainder);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSDumpStack
@Description Dump the current task information and its stack trace.
@Return None
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSDumpStack(void);
#if defined(PVRSRV_USE_BRIDGE_LOCK) || defined(DOXYGEN)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSAcquireBridgeLock
@Description Acquire the global bridge lock.
This prevents another bridge call from being actioned while
we are still servicing the current bridge call.
NB. This function must not return until the lock is acquired
(meaning the implementation should not timeout or return with
an error, as the caller will assume they have the lock).
This function has an OS-specific implementation rather than
an abstracted implementation for efficiency reasons, as it
is called frequently.
@Return None
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSAcquireBridgeLock(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSReleaseBridgeLock
@Description Release the global bridge lock.
This function has an OS-specific implementation rather than
an abstracted implementation for efficiency reasons, as it
is called frequently.
@Return None
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSReleaseBridgeLock(void);
* Functions for providing support for PID statistics.
typedef void (OS_STATS_PRINTF_FUNC)(void *pvFilePtr, const IMG_CHAR *pszFormat, ...);
typedef void (OS_STATS_PRINT_FUNC)(void *pvFilePtr,
void *pvStatPtr,
typedef IMG_UINT32 (OS_INC_STATS_MEM_REFCOUNT_FUNC)(void *pvStatPtr);
typedef IMG_UINT32 (OS_DEC_STATS_MEM_REFCOUNT_FUNC)(void *pvStatPtr);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCreateStatisticEntry
@Description Create a statistic entry in the specified folder.
Where operating systems do not support a debugfs,
file system this function may be implemented as a stub.
@Input pszName String containing the name for the entry.
@Input pvFolder Reference from OSCreateStatisticFolder() of the
folder to create the entry in, or NULL for the
@Input pfnStatsPrint Pointer to function that can be used to print the
values of all the statistics.
@Input pfnIncMemRefCt Pointer to function that can be used to take a
reference on the memory backing the statistic
@Input pfnDecMemRefCt Pointer to function that can be used to drop a
reference on the memory backing the statistic
@Input pvData OS specific reference that can be used by
@Return Pointer void reference to the entry created, which can be
passed to OSRemoveStatisticEntry() to remove the entry.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void *OSCreateStatisticEntry(IMG_CHAR* pszName, void *pvFolder,
void *pvData);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSRemoveStatisticEntry
@Description Removes a statistic entry.
Where operating systems do not support a debugfs,
file system this function may be implemented as a stub.
@Input pvEntry Pointer void reference to the entry created by
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSRemoveStatisticEntry(void *pvEntry);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCreateRawStatisticEntry
@Description Create a raw statistic entry in the specified folder.
Where operating systems do not support a debugfs
file system this function may be implemented as a stub.
@Input pszFileName String containing the name for the entry.
@Input pvParentDir Reference from OSCreateStatisticFolder() of the
folder to create the entry in, or NULL for the
@Input pfnStatsPrint Pointer to function that can be used to print the
values of all the statistics.
@Return Pointer void reference to the entry created, which can be
passed to OSRemoveRawStatisticEntry() to remove the entry.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void *OSCreateRawStatisticEntry(const IMG_CHAR *pszFileName, void *pvParentDir,
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSRemoveRawStatisticEntry
@Description Removes a raw statistic entry.
Where operating systems do not support a debugfs
file system this function may be implemented as a stub.
@Input pvEntry Pointer void reference to the entry created by
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSRemoveRawStatisticEntry(void *pvEntry);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSCreateStatisticFolder
@Description Create a statistic folder to hold statistic entries.
Where operating systems do not support a debugfs,
file system this function may be implemented as a stub.
@Input pszName String containing the name for the folder.
@Input pvFolder Reference from OSCreateStatisticFolder() of the folder
to create the folder in, or NULL for the root.
@Return Pointer void reference to the folder created, which can be
passed to OSRemoveStatisticFolder() to remove the folder.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void *OSCreateStatisticFolder(IMG_CHAR *pszName, void *pvFolder);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSRemoveStatisticFolder
@Description Removes a statistic folder.
Where operating systems do not support a debugfs,
file system this function may be implemented as a stub.
@Input ppvFolder Reference from OSCreateStatisticFolder() of the
folder that should be removed.
This needs to be double pointer because it has to
be NULLed right after memory is freed to avoid
possible races and use-after-free situations.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSRemoveStatisticFolder(void **ppvFolder);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSUserModeAccessToPerfCountersEn
@Description Permit User-mode access to CPU performance counter
This function is called during device initialisation.
Certain CPU architectures may need to explicitly permit
User mode access to performance counters - if this is
required, the necessary code should be implemented inside
this function.
@Return None.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSUserModeAccessToPerfCountersEn(void);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSDebugSignalPID
@Description Sends a SIGTRAP signal to a specific PID in user mode for
debugging purposes. The user mode process can register a handler
against this signal.
This is necessary to support the Rogue debugger. If the Rogue
debugger is not used then this function may be implemented as
a stub.
@Input ui32PID The PID for the signal.
@Return PVRSRV_OK on success, a failure code otherwise.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
#if defined(LINUX) && defined(__KERNEL__) && !defined(DOXYGEN)
#define OSWarnOn(a) WARN_ON(a)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSWarnOn
@Description This API allows the driver to emit a special token and stack
dump to the server log when an issue is detected that needs the
OS to be notified. The token or call may be used to trigger
log collection by the OS environment.
PVR_DPF log messages will have been emitted prior to this call.
@Input a Expression to evaluate, if true trigger Warn signal
@Return None
*/ /**************************************************************************/
#define OSWarnOn(a) do { if ((a)) { OSDumpStack(); } } while(0)
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSThreadDumpInfo
@Description Traverse the thread list and call each of the stored
callbacks to dump the info in debug_dump.
Where operating systems do not support a debugfs,
file system this function may be implemented as a stub.
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSThreadDumpInfo(IMG_HANDLE hDbgReqestHandle,
void *pvDumpDebugFile);
/*************************************************************************/ /*!
@Function OSDumpVersionInfo
@Description Store OS version information in debug dump.
@Input pfnDumpDebugPrintf The 'printf' function to be called to
display the debug info
@Input pvDumpDebugFile Optional file identifier to be passed to
the 'printf' function if required
*/ /**************************************************************************/
void OSDumpVersionInfo(DUMPDEBUG_PRINTF_FUNC *pfnDumpDebugPrintf,
void *pvDumpDebugFile);
#endif /* __OSFUNC_H__ */
End of file (osfunc.h)