blob: bd48f4affc2eedd27e3f337d3daf326192b37405 [file] [log] [blame]
[ -f ] && .
#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"
# Removal of extra /'s
testing "basename /-only" "basename ///////" "/\n" "" ""
testing "basename trailing /" "basename a//////" "a\n" "" ""
testing "basename combined" "basename /////a///b///c///d/////" "d\n" "" ""
# Standard suffix behavior.
testing "basename suffix" "basename a/b/c/d.suffix .suffix" "d\n" "" ""
# A suffix cannot be the entire result.
testing "basename suffix=result" "basename .txt .txt" ".txt\n" "" ""
# Deal with suffix appearing in the filename
testing "basename reappearing suffix 1" "basename a.txt.txt .txt" "a.txt\n" "" ""
testing "basename reappearing suffix 2" "basename a.txt.old .txt" "a.txt.old\n" "" ""
# A suffix should be a real suffix, only a the end.
testing "basename invalid suffix" "basename isthisasuffix? suffix" "isthisasuffix?\n" "" ""