blob: 0738a17820415fc14296031ee8b60043de8b516e [file] [log] [blame]
/* Toybox infrastructure.
* Copyright 2006 Rob Landley <>
#include "toys.h"
#define TOYBOX_VERSION "0.6.0"
// Populate toy_list[].
#undef NEWTOY
#undef OLDTOY
#define NEWTOY(name, opts, flags) {#name, name##_main, opts, flags},
#define OLDTOY(name, oldname, flags) \
{#name, oldname##_main, OPTSTR_##oldname, flags},
struct toy_list toy_list[] = {
#include "generated/newtoys.h"
// global context for this command.
struct toy_context toys;
union global_union this;
char toybuf[4096], libbuf[4096];
struct toy_list *toy_find(char *name)
int top, bottom, middle;
if (!CFG_TOYBOX) return 0;
// If the name starts with "toybox" accept that as a match. Otherwise
// skip the first entry, which is out of order.
if (!strncmp(name,"toybox",6)) return toy_list;
bottom = 1;
// Binary search to find this command.
top = ARRAY_LEN(toy_list)-1;
for (;;) {
int result;
middle = (top+bottom)/2;
if (middle<bottom || middle>top) return NULL;
result = strcmp(name,toy_list[middle].name);
if (!result) return toy_list+middle;
if (result<0) top=--middle;
else bottom = ++middle;
// Figure out whether or not anything is using the option parsing logic,
// because the compiler can't figure out whether or not to optimize it away
// on its' own. NEED_OPTIONS becomes a constant allowing if() to optimize
// stuff out via dead code elimination.
#undef NEWTOY
#undef OLDTOY
#define NEWTOY(name, opts, flags) opts ||
#define OLDTOY(name, oldname, flags) OPTSTR_##oldname ||
static const int NEED_OPTIONS =
#include "generated/newtoys.h"
0; // Ends the opts || opts || opts...
// Subset of init needed by singlemain
static void toy_singleinit(struct toy_list *which, char *argv[])
toys.which = which;
toys.argv = argv;
if (CFG_TOYBOX_I18N) setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"+!!(which->flags & TOYFLAG_LOCALE));
if (CFG_TOYBOX_HELP_DASHDASH && argv[1] && !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) {
if (CFG_TOYBOX && toys.which == toy_list && toys.argv[2])
if (!(toys.which = toy_find(toys.argv[2]))) return;
if (NEED_OPTIONS && which->options) get_optflags();
else {
toys.optargs = argv+1;
for (toys.optc=0; toys.optargs[toys.optc]; toys.optc++);
toys.old_umask = umask(0);
if (!(which->flags & TOYFLAG_UMASK)) umask(toys.old_umask);
toys.toycount = ARRAY_LEN(toy_list);
// Setup toybox global state for this command.
void toy_init(struct toy_list *which, char *argv[])
// Drop permissions for non-suid commands.
uid_t uid = getuid(), euid = geteuid();
if (!(which->flags & TOYFLAG_STAYROOT)) {
if (uid != euid) {
if (!setuid(uid)) perror_exit("setuid %d->%d", euid, uid); // drop root
else euid = uid;
} else if (CFG_TOYBOX_DEBUG && uid && which != toy_list)
error_msg("Not installed suid root");
if ((which->flags & TOYFLAG_NEEDROOT) && euid) {
error_exit("Not root");
// Free old toys contents (to be reentrant), but leave rebound if any
if (toys.optargs != toys.argv+1) free(toys.optargs);
memset(&toys, 0, offsetof(struct toy_context, rebound));
if (toys.recursion > 1) memset(&this, 0, sizeof(this));
// Subset of init needed by singlemain.
toy_singleinit(which, argv);
// Like exec() but runs an internal toybox command instead of another file.
// Only returns if it can't run command internally, otherwise exit() when done.
void toy_exec(char *argv[])
struct toy_list *which;
// Return if we can't find it, or need to re-exec to acquire root,
// or if stack depth is getting silly.
if (!(which = toy_find(argv[0]))) return;
if (toys.recursion && (which->flags & TOYFLAG_ROOTONLY) && getuid()) return;
if (toys.recursion++ > 5) return;
// don't blank old optargs if our new argc lives in the old optargs.
if (argv>=toys.optargs && argv<=toys.optargs+toys.optc) toys.optargs = 0;
// Run command
toy_init(which, argv);
if (toys.which) toys.which->toy_main();
// Multiplexer command, first argument is command to run, rest are args to that.
// If first argument starts with - output list of command install paths.
void toybox_main(void)
static char *toy_paths[]={"usr/","bin/","sbin/",0};
int i, len = 0;
toys.which = toy_list;
if (toys.argv[1]) {
toys.optc = toys.recursion = 0;
if (!strcmp("--version", toys.argv[1])) {
if (toys.argv[1][0] != '-') {
toys.exitval = 127;
error_exit("Unknown command %s", toys.argv[1]);
// Output list of command.
for (i=1; i<ARRAY_LEN(toy_list); i++) {
int fl = toy_list[i].flags;
if (toys.argv[1]) {
int j;
for (j=0; toy_paths[j]; j++)
if (fl & (1<<j)) len += printf("%s", toy_paths[j]);
len += printf("%s",toy_list[i].name);
if (++len > 65) len = 0;
xputc(len ? ' ' : '\n');
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// We check our own stdout errors, disable sigpipe killer
// Trim path off of command name
*argv = basename(*argv);
// Call the multiplexer, adjusting this argv[] to be its' argv[1].
// (It will adjust it back before calling toy_exec().)
toys.argv = argv-1;
} else {
// a single toybox command built standalone with no multiplexer
toy_singleinit(toy_list, argv);