blob: af58ef9a28caf48e7a392992c8e7c4c4f7b5aa5d [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
void preserce_ptr_sz_fn(long x) {}
#define __bpf_aligned __attribute__((aligned(8)))
struct core_reloc_kernel_output {
int valid[10];
char comm[sizeof("test_progs")];
int comm_len;
struct core_reloc_flavors {
int a;
int b;
int c;
/* this is not a flavor, as it doesn't have triple underscore */
struct core_reloc_flavors__err_wrong_name {
int a;
int b;
int c;
/* original set up, used to record relocations in BPF program */
struct core_reloc_nesting_substruct {
int a;
union core_reloc_nesting_subunion {
int b;
struct core_reloc_nesting {
union {
struct core_reloc_nesting_substruct a;
} a;
struct {
union core_reloc_nesting_subunion b;
} b;
/* inlined anonymous struct/union instead of named structs in original */
struct core_reloc_nesting___anon_embed {
int __just_for_padding;
union {
struct {
int a;
} a;
} a;
struct {
union {
int b;
} b;
} b;
/* different mix of nested structs/unions than in original */
struct core_reloc_nesting___struct_union_mixup {
int __a;
struct {
int __a;
union {
char __a;
int a;
} a;
} a;
int __b;
union {
int __b;
union {
char __b;
int b;
} b;
} b;
/* extra anon structs/unions, but still valid a.a.a and b.b.b accessors */
struct core_reloc_nesting___extra_nesting {
int __padding;
struct {
struct {
struct {
struct {
union {
int a;
} a;
} a;
int __some_more;
struct {
union {
union {
union {
struct {
int b;
} b;
} b;
/* three flavors of same struct with different structure but same layout for
* a.a.a and b.b.b, thus successfully resolved and relocatable */
struct core_reloc_nesting___dup_compat_types {
char __just_for_padding;
/* 3 more bytes of padding */
struct {
struct {
int a; /* offset 4 */
} a;
} a;
long long __more_padding;
struct {
struct {
int b; /* offset 16 */
} b;
} b;
struct core_reloc_nesting___dup_compat_types__2 {
int __aligned_padding;
struct {
int __trickier_noop[0];
struct {
char __some_more_noops[0];
int a; /* offset 4 */
} a;
} a;
int __more_padding;
struct {
struct {
struct {
int __critical_padding;
int b; /* offset 16 */
} b;
int __does_not_matter;
} b;
int __more_irrelevant_stuff;
struct core_reloc_nesting___dup_compat_types__3 {
char __correct_padding[4];
struct {
struct {
int a; /* offset 4 */
} a;
} a;
/* 8 byte padding due to next struct's alignment */
struct {
struct {
int b;
} b;
} b __attribute__((aligned(16)));
/* b.b.b field is missing */
struct core_reloc_nesting___err_missing_field {
struct {
struct {
int a;
} a;
} a;
struct {
struct {
int x;
} b;
} b;
/* b.b.b field is an array of integers instead of plain int */
struct core_reloc_nesting___err_array_field {
struct {
struct {
int a;
} a;
} a;
struct {
struct {
int b[1];
} b;
} b;
/* middle b container is missing */
struct core_reloc_nesting___err_missing_container {
struct {
struct {
int a;
} a;
} a;
struct {
int x;
} b;
/* middle b container is referenced through pointer instead of being embedded */
struct core_reloc_nesting___err_nonstruct_container {
struct {
struct {
int a;
} a;
} a;
struct {
struct {
int b;
} *b;
} b;
/* middle b container is an array of structs instead of plain struct */
struct core_reloc_nesting___err_array_container {
struct {
struct {
int a;
} a;
} a;
struct {
struct {
int b;
} b[1];
} b;
/* two flavors of same struct with incompatible layout for b.b.b */
struct core_reloc_nesting___err_dup_incompat_types__1 {
struct {
struct {
int a; /* offset 0 */
} a;
} a;
struct {
struct {
int b; /* offset 4 */
} b;
} b;
struct core_reloc_nesting___err_dup_incompat_types__2 {
struct {
struct {
int a; /* offset 0 */
} a;
} a;
int __extra_padding;
struct {
struct {
int b; /* offset 8 (!) */
} b;
} b;
/* two flavors of same struct having one of a.a.a and b.b.b, but not both */
struct core_reloc_nesting___err_partial_match_dups__a {
struct {
struct {
int a;
} a;
} a;
struct core_reloc_nesting___err_partial_match_dups__b {
struct {
struct {
int b;
} b;
} b;
struct core_reloc_nesting___err_too_deep {
struct {
struct {
int a;
} a;
} a;
/* 65 levels of nestedness for b.b.b */
struct {
struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
struct { struct { struct { struct { struct {
/* this one is one too much */
struct {
int b;
}; }; }; }; };
}; }; }; }; };
}; }; }; }; };
}; }; }; }; };
}; }; }; }; };
}; }; }; }; };
}; }; }; }; };
}; }; }; }; };
}; }; }; }; };
}; }; }; }; };
}; }; }; }; };
}; }; }; }; };
} b;
} b;
struct core_reloc_arrays_output {
int a2;
char b123;
int c1c;
int d00d;
int f10c;
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct {
int c;
int d;
struct core_reloc_arrays {
int a[5];
char b[2][3][4];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct c[3];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct d[1][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct f[][2];
/* bigger array dimensions */
struct core_reloc_arrays___diff_arr_dim {
int a[7];
char b[3][4][5];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct c[4];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct d[2][3];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct f[1][3];
/* different size of array's value (struct) */
struct core_reloc_arrays___diff_arr_val_sz {
int a[5];
char b[2][3][4];
struct {
int __padding1;
int c;
int __padding2;
} c[3];
struct {
int __padding1;
int d;
int __padding2;
} d[1][2];
struct {
int __padding1;
int c;
int __padding2;
} f[][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays___equiv_zero_sz_arr {
int a[5];
char b[2][3][4];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct c[3];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct d[1][2];
/* equivalent to flexible array */
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct f[][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays___fixed_arr {
int a[5];
char b[2][3][4];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct c[3];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct d[1][2];
/* not a flexible array anymore, but within access bounds */
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct f[1][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays___err_too_small {
int a[2]; /* this one is too small */
char b[2][3][4];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct c[3];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct d[1][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct f[][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays___err_too_shallow {
int a[5];
char b[2][3]; /* this one lacks one dimension */
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct c[3];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct d[1][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct f[][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays___err_non_array {
int a; /* not an array */
char b[2][3][4];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct c[3];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct d[1][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct f[][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays___err_wrong_val_type {
int a[5];
char b[2][3][4];
int c[3]; /* value is not a struct */
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct d[1][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct f[][2];
struct core_reloc_arrays___err_bad_zero_sz_arr {
/* zero-sized array, but not at the end */
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct f[0][2];
int a[5];
char b[2][3][4];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct c[3];
struct core_reloc_arrays_substruct d[1][2];
enum core_reloc_primitives_enum {
A = 0,
B = 1,
struct core_reloc_primitives {
char a;
int b;
enum core_reloc_primitives_enum c;
void *d __bpf_aligned;
int (*f)(const char *) __bpf_aligned;
struct core_reloc_primitives___diff_enum_def {
char a;
int b;
void *d __bpf_aligned;
int (*f)(const char *) __bpf_aligned;
enum {
X = 100,
Y = 200,
} c __bpf_aligned; /* inline enum def with differing set of values */
struct core_reloc_primitives___diff_func_proto {
void (*f)(int) __bpf_aligned; /* incompatible function prototype */
void *d __bpf_aligned;
enum core_reloc_primitives_enum c __bpf_aligned;
int b;
char a;
struct core_reloc_primitives___diff_ptr_type {
const char * const d __bpf_aligned; /* different pointee type + modifiers */
char a __bpf_aligned;
int b;
enum core_reloc_primitives_enum c;
int (*f)(const char *) __bpf_aligned;
struct core_reloc_primitives___err_non_enum {
char a[1];
int b;
int c; /* int instead of enum */
void *d __bpf_aligned;
int (*f)(const char *) __bpf_aligned;
struct core_reloc_primitives___err_non_int {
char a[1];
int *b __bpf_aligned; /* ptr instead of int */
enum core_reloc_primitives_enum c __bpf_aligned;
void *d __bpf_aligned;
int (*f)(const char *) __bpf_aligned;
struct core_reloc_primitives___err_non_ptr {
char a[1];
int b;
enum core_reloc_primitives_enum c;
int d; /* int instead of ptr */
int (*f)(const char *) __bpf_aligned;
struct core_reloc_mods_output {
int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
typedef const int int_t;
typedef const char *char_ptr_t __bpf_aligned;
typedef const int arr_t[7];
struct core_reloc_mods_substruct {
int x;
int y;
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
} core_reloc_mods_substruct_t;
struct core_reloc_mods {
int a;
int_t b;
char *c __bpf_aligned;
char_ptr_t d;
int e[3] __bpf_aligned;
arr_t f;
struct core_reloc_mods_substruct g;
core_reloc_mods_substruct_t h;
/* a/b, c/d, e/f, and g/h pairs are swapped */
struct core_reloc_mods___mod_swap {
int b;
int_t a;
char *d __bpf_aligned;
char_ptr_t c;
int f[3] __bpf_aligned;
arr_t e;
struct {
int y;
int x;
} h;
core_reloc_mods_substruct_t g;
typedef int int1_t;
typedef int1_t int2_t;
typedef int2_t int3_t;
typedef int arr1_t[5];
typedef arr1_t arr2_t;
typedef arr2_t arr3_t;
typedef arr3_t arr4_t;
typedef const char * const volatile fancy_char_ptr_t __bpf_aligned;
typedef core_reloc_mods_substruct_t core_reloc_mods_substruct_tt;
/* we need more typedefs */
struct core_reloc_mods___typedefs {
core_reloc_mods_substruct_tt g;
core_reloc_mods_substruct_tt h;
arr4_t f;
arr4_t e;
fancy_char_ptr_t d;
fancy_char_ptr_t c;
int3_t b __bpf_aligned;
int3_t a;
struct core_reloc_ptr_as_arr {
int a;
struct core_reloc_ptr_as_arr___diff_sz {
int :32; /* padding */
char __some_more_padding;
int a;
struct core_reloc_ints {
uint8_t u8_field;
int8_t s8_field;
uint16_t u16_field;
int16_t s16_field;
uint32_t u32_field;
int32_t s32_field;
uint64_t u64_field;
int64_t s64_field;
/* signed/unsigned types swap */
struct core_reloc_ints___reverse_sign {
int8_t u8_field;
uint8_t s8_field;
int16_t u16_field;
uint16_t s16_field;
int32_t u32_field;
uint32_t s32_field;
int64_t u64_field;
uint64_t s64_field;
struct core_reloc_ints___bool {
bool u8_field; /* bool instead of uint8 */
int8_t s8_field;
uint16_t u16_field;
int16_t s16_field;
uint32_t u32_field;
int32_t s32_field;
uint64_t u64_field;
int64_t s64_field;
struct core_reloc_misc_output {
int a, b, c;
struct core_reloc_misc___a {
int a1;
int a2;
struct core_reloc_misc___b {
int b1;
int b2;
/* this one extends core_reloc_misc_extensible struct from BPF prog */
struct core_reloc_misc_extensible {
int a;
int b;
int c;
int d;
struct core_reloc_existence_output {
int a_exists;
int a_value;
int b_exists;
int b_value;
int c_exists;
int c_value;
int arr_exists;
int arr_value;
int s_exists;
int s_value;
struct core_reloc_existence {
int a;
struct {
int b;
int c;
int arr[1];
struct {
int x;
} s;
struct core_reloc_existence___minimal {
int a;
struct core_reloc_existence___wrong_field_defs {
void *a;
int b[1];
struct{ int x; } c;
int arr;
int s;
/* bitfield read results, all as plain integers */
struct core_reloc_bitfields_output {
int64_t ub1;
int64_t ub2;
int64_t ub7;
int64_t sb4;
int64_t sb20;
int64_t u32;
int64_t s32;
struct core_reloc_bitfields {
/* unsigned bitfields */
uint8_t ub1: 1;
uint8_t ub2: 2;
uint32_t ub7: 7;
/* signed bitfields */
int8_t sb4: 4;
int32_t sb20: 20;
/* non-bitfields */
uint32_t u32;
int32_t s32;
/* different bit sizes (both up and down) */
struct core_reloc_bitfields___bit_sz_change {
/* unsigned bitfields */
uint16_t ub1: 3; /* 1 -> 3 */
uint32_t ub2: 20; /* 2 -> 20 */
uint8_t ub7: 1; /* 7 -> 1 */
/* signed bitfields */
int8_t sb4: 1; /* 4 -> 1 */
int32_t sb20: 30; /* 20 -> 30 */
/* non-bitfields */
uint16_t u32; /* 32 -> 16 */
int64_t s32 __bpf_aligned; /* 32 -> 64 */
/* turn bitfield into non-bitfield and vice versa */
struct core_reloc_bitfields___bitfield_vs_int {
uint64_t ub1; /* 3 -> 64 non-bitfield */
uint8_t ub2; /* 20 -> 8 non-bitfield */
int64_t ub7 __bpf_aligned; /* 7 -> 64 non-bitfield signed */
int64_t sb4 __bpf_aligned; /* 4 -> 64 non-bitfield signed */
uint64_t sb20 __bpf_aligned; /* 20 -> 16 non-bitfield unsigned */
int32_t u32: 20; /* 32 non-bitfield -> 20 bitfield */
uint64_t s32: 60 __bpf_aligned; /* 32 non-bitfield -> 60 bitfield */
struct core_reloc_bitfields___just_big_enough {
uint64_t ub1: 4;
uint64_t ub2: 60; /* packed tightly */
uint32_t ub7;
uint32_t sb4;
uint32_t sb20;
uint32_t u32;
uint32_t s32;
} __attribute__((packed)) ;
struct core_reloc_bitfields___err_too_big_bitfield {
uint64_t ub1: 4;
uint64_t ub2: 61; /* packed tightly */
uint32_t ub7;
uint32_t sb4;
uint32_t sb20;
uint32_t u32;
uint32_t s32;
} __attribute__((packed)) ;
struct core_reloc_size_output {
int int_sz;
int struct_sz;
int union_sz;
int arr_sz;
int arr_elem_sz;
int ptr_sz;
int enum_sz;
struct core_reloc_size {
int int_field;
struct { int x; } struct_field;
union { int x; } union_field;
int arr_field[4];
void *ptr_field;
enum { VALUE = 123 } enum_field;
struct core_reloc_size___diff_sz {
uint64_t int_field;
struct { int x; int y; int z; } struct_field;
union { int x; char bla[123]; } union_field;
char arr_field[10];
void *ptr_field;
enum { OTHER_VALUE = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF } enum_field;
/* Error case of two candidates with the fields (int_field) at the same
* offset, but with differing final relocation values: size 4 vs size 1
struct core_reloc_size___err_ambiguous1 {
/* int at offset 0 */
int int_field;
struct { int x; } struct_field;
union { int x; } union_field;
int arr_field[4];
void *ptr_field;
enum { VALUE___1 = 123 } enum_field;
struct core_reloc_size___err_ambiguous2 {
/* char at offset 0 */
char int_field;
struct { int x; } struct_field;
union { int x; } union_field;
int arr_field[4];
void *ptr_field;
enum { VALUE___2 = 123 } enum_field;
struct core_reloc_type_based_output {
bool struct_exists;
bool union_exists;
bool enum_exists;
bool typedef_named_struct_exists;
bool typedef_anon_struct_exists;
bool typedef_struct_ptr_exists;
bool typedef_int_exists;
bool typedef_enum_exists;
bool typedef_void_ptr_exists;
bool typedef_func_proto_exists;
bool typedef_arr_exists;
int struct_sz;
int union_sz;
int enum_sz;
int typedef_named_struct_sz;
int typedef_anon_struct_sz;
int typedef_struct_ptr_sz;
int typedef_int_sz;
int typedef_enum_sz;
int typedef_void_ptr_sz;
int typedef_func_proto_sz;
int typedef_arr_sz;
struct a_struct {
int x;
union a_union {
int y;
int z;
typedef struct a_struct named_struct_typedef;
typedef struct { int x, y, z; } anon_struct_typedef;
typedef struct {
int a, b, c;
} *struct_ptr_typedef;
enum an_enum {
typedef int int_typedef;
typedef enum { TYPEDEF_ENUM_VAL1, TYPEDEF_ENUM_VAL2 } enum_typedef;
typedef void *void_ptr_typedef;
typedef int (*func_proto_typedef)(long);
typedef char arr_typedef[20];
struct core_reloc_type_based {
struct a_struct f1;
union a_union f2;
enum an_enum f3;
named_struct_typedef f4;
anon_struct_typedef f5;
struct_ptr_typedef f6;
int_typedef f7;
enum_typedef f8;
void_ptr_typedef f9;
func_proto_typedef f10;
arr_typedef f11;
/* no types in target */
struct core_reloc_type_based___all_missing {
/* different type sizes, extra modifiers, anon vs named enums, etc */
struct a_struct___diff_sz {
long x;
int y;
char z;
union a_union___diff_sz {
char yy;
char zz;
typedef struct a_struct___diff_sz named_struct_typedef___diff_sz;
typedef struct { long xx, yy, zzz; } anon_struct_typedef___diff_sz;
typedef struct {
char aa[1], bb[2], cc[3];
} *struct_ptr_typedef___diff_sz;
enum an_enum___diff_sz {
AN_ENUM_VAL1___diff_sz = 0x123412341234,
AN_ENUM_VAL2___diff_sz = 2,
typedef unsigned long int_typedef___diff_sz;
typedef enum an_enum___diff_sz enum_typedef___diff_sz;
typedef const void * const void_ptr_typedef___diff_sz;
typedef int_typedef___diff_sz (*func_proto_typedef___diff_sz)(char);
typedef int arr_typedef___diff_sz[2];
struct core_reloc_type_based___diff_sz {
struct a_struct___diff_sz f1;
union a_union___diff_sz f2;
enum an_enum___diff_sz f3;
named_struct_typedef___diff_sz f4;
anon_struct_typedef___diff_sz f5;
struct_ptr_typedef___diff_sz f6;
int_typedef___diff_sz f7;
enum_typedef___diff_sz f8;
void_ptr_typedef___diff_sz f9;
func_proto_typedef___diff_sz f10;
arr_typedef___diff_sz f11;
/* incompatibilities between target and local types */
union a_struct___incompat { /* union instead of struct */
int x;
struct a_union___incompat { /* struct instead of union */
int y;
int z;
/* typedef to union, not to struct */
typedef union a_struct___incompat named_struct_typedef___incompat;
/* typedef to void pointer, instead of struct */
typedef void *anon_struct_typedef___incompat;
/* extra pointer indirection */
typedef struct {
int a, b, c;
} **struct_ptr_typedef___incompat;
/* typedef of a struct with int, instead of int */
typedef struct { int x; } int_typedef___incompat;
/* typedef to func_proto, instead of enum */
typedef int (*enum_typedef___incompat)(void);
/* pointer to char instead of void */
typedef char *void_ptr_typedef___incompat;
/* void return type instead of int */
typedef void (*func_proto_typedef___incompat)(long);
/* multi-dimensional array instead of a single-dimensional */
typedef int arr_typedef___incompat[20][2];
struct core_reloc_type_based___incompat {
union a_struct___incompat f1;
struct a_union___incompat f2;
/* the only valid one is enum, to check that something still succeeds */
enum an_enum f3;
named_struct_typedef___incompat f4;
anon_struct_typedef___incompat f5;
struct_ptr_typedef___incompat f6;
int_typedef___incompat f7;
enum_typedef___incompat f8;
void_ptr_typedef___incompat f9;
func_proto_typedef___incompat f10;
arr_typedef___incompat f11;
/* func_proto with incompatible signature */
typedef void (*func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_ret1)(long);
typedef int * (*func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_ret2)(long);
typedef struct { int x; } int_struct_typedef;
typedef int_struct_typedef (*func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_ret3)(long);
typedef int (*func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_arg)(void *);
typedef int (*func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_arg_cnt1)(long, long);
typedef int (*func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_arg_cnt2)(void);
struct core_reloc_type_based___fn_wrong_args {
/* one valid type to make sure relos still work */
struct a_struct f1;
func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_ret1 f2;
func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_ret2 f3;
func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_ret3 f4;
func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_arg f5;
func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_arg_cnt1 f6;
func_proto_typedef___fn_wrong_arg_cnt2 f7;
struct core_reloc_type_id_output {
int local_anon_struct;
int local_anon_union;
int local_anon_enum;
int local_anon_func_proto_ptr;
int local_anon_void_ptr;
int local_anon_arr;
int local_struct;
int local_union;
int local_enum;
int local_int;
int local_struct_typedef;
int local_func_proto_typedef;
int local_arr_typedef;
int targ_struct;
int targ_union;
int targ_enum;
int targ_int;
int targ_struct_typedef;
int targ_func_proto_typedef;
int targ_arr_typedef;
struct core_reloc_type_id {
struct a_struct f1;
union a_union f2;
enum an_enum f3;
named_struct_typedef f4;
func_proto_typedef f5;
arr_typedef f6;
struct core_reloc_type_id___missing_targets {
/* nothing */
struct core_reloc_enumval_output {
bool named_val1_exists;
bool named_val2_exists;
bool named_val3_exists;
bool anon_val1_exists;
bool anon_val2_exists;
bool anon_val3_exists;
int named_val1;
int named_val2;
int anon_val1;
int anon_val2;
enum named_enum {
typedef enum {
ANON_ENUM_VAL1 = 0x10,
ANON_ENUM_VAL2 = 0x20,
ANON_ENUM_VAL3 = 0x30,
} anon_enum;
struct core_reloc_enumval {
enum named_enum f1;
anon_enum f2;
/* differing enumerator values */
enum named_enum___diff {
NAMED_ENUM_VAL1___diff = 101,
NAMED_ENUM_VAL2___diff = 202,
NAMED_ENUM_VAL3___diff = 303,
typedef enum {
ANON_ENUM_VAL1___diff = 0x11,
ANON_ENUM_VAL2___diff = 0x22,
ANON_ENUM_VAL3___diff = 0x33,
} anon_enum___diff;
struct core_reloc_enumval___diff {
enum named_enum___diff f1;
anon_enum___diff f2;
/* missing (optional) third enum value */
enum named_enum___val3_missing {
NAMED_ENUM_VAL1___val3_missing = 111,
NAMED_ENUM_VAL2___val3_missing = 222,
typedef enum {
ANON_ENUM_VAL1___val3_missing = 0x111,
ANON_ENUM_VAL2___val3_missing = 0x222,
} anon_enum___val3_missing;
struct core_reloc_enumval___val3_missing {
enum named_enum___val3_missing f1;
anon_enum___val3_missing f2;
/* missing (mandatory) second enum value, should fail */
enum named_enum___err_missing {
NAMED_ENUM_VAL1___err_missing = 1,
NAMED_ENUM_VAL3___err_missing = 3,
typedef enum {
ANON_ENUM_VAL1___err_missing = 0x111,
ANON_ENUM_VAL3___err_missing = 0x222,
} anon_enum___err_missing;
struct core_reloc_enumval___err_missing {
enum named_enum___err_missing f1;
anon_enum___err_missing f2;