blob: c33961965dad24c8d51a20c6ec6a3b4e52f1e887 [file] [log] [blame]
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
get_freqtbl support for arm/arm64
Allows guest to query the frequency(in KHz) table of the current CPU that
the vCPU thread is running on.
This hypercall uses the SMC32/HVC32 calling convention:
============== ======== =====================================
Function ID: (uint32) 0x86000043
Arguments: (uint32) index of the current CPU's frequency table
Return Values: (int32) NOT_SUPPORTED(-1) on error, or
(uint32) Frequency table entry of requested index
in KHz
of current CPU(r1)
Endianness: Must be the same endianness
as the host.
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