i found a few problems while manually smoke testing toybox chown versus toolbox (NetBSD) chown...
new test:
and here's the patch to fix "owner:" ":group" and the ":" special case:
diff --git a/tests/chown.test b/tests/chown.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40ed7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/chown.test
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+[ -f testing.sh ] && . testing.sh
+if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]
+ echo "SKIPPED: chown (not root)"
+ continue 2>/dev/null
+ exit
+# We chown between user "root" and the last user in /etc/passwd,
+# and group "root" and the last group in /etc/group.
+USR="$(sed -n '$s/:.*//p' /etc/passwd)"
+GRP="$(sed -n '$s/:.*//p' /etc/group)"
+# Set up a little testing hierarchy
+rm -rf testdir &&
+mkdir testdir &&
+touch testdir/file
+# Wrapper to reset groups and return results
+OUT="&& echo \$(ls -l testdir/file | awk '{print \$3,\$4}')"
+#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"
+# Basic smoketest
+testing "chown initial" "chown root:root $F $OUT" "root root\n" "" ""
+testing "chown usr:grp" "chown $USR:$GRP $F $OUT" "$USR $GRP\n" "" ""
+testing "chown root" "chown root $F $OUT" "root $GRP\n" "" ""
+# TODO: can we test "owner:"?
+testing "chown :grp" "chown root:root $F && chown :$GRP $F $OUT" \
+ "root $GRP\n" "" ""
+testing "chown :" "chown $USR:$GRP $F && chown : $F $OUT" \
+ "$USR $GRP\n" "" ""
+rm -rf testdir